stop arguing dude , its for our own good ♥

heyo .. erm , okay .. nak start from mne ek ? hehe ..okay , look at the tittle .. ya , skarang ni me suraya yahya as a responsible friend , i just want all of you to unite like before .. okay , benda ni boleh settle baik baik .. trust me , if korg dduk bincang elok2 insyallah settle la benda ni .. the problem now is , non of you wanna giving up .. its not wrong to giving up rite ? ya aq tau korg akan ckp 'asyik aq je nak mngalah blablabla ' tp korg jgak yg da penat mnangis , korg jgak yg stress smua .. hmm , aq tau la aq pun tade la baik mne , tp as seorang kawan and aq rasa ni tanggungjawab aq nak nasihat korg .. please for once , lupakan la psl org ni da ckp tu , org tu da ckp ni .. let bygone be bygone .. start it all over again :) .. and psal jamuan kelas , tak payah pening2 okay . takpe kite order kantin je , and ape yg ade tu dah ckup da tak payah tambah2 , and aq rase da lbih dri ckup .. aq tau korg risau mkanan tak ckup la ape la , tp insyallah cukup mkanan tu .. okay ? and i'm begging u all dtg la jmuan tu .. nnti takde cpe2 dtg kan mmbazir makanan tu , membazir tu kan amalan syaitan ? hehe :) , tape klau korang tak nak settle sendiri biar aq tolong setle kan hal korg ni , jgn stress stress dah okay ? :) .. someone that always be with us is FRIEND , and no matter what happen we need them and that wouldn't change till we die ..

love ya till the end of my life

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